Episode 6. Cards and Cooks

Date: Sunday, 29 October 2017 | Audio duration: 30:15 | Podcast authors: By Ben Byford, Tony Finch and Benjamin (Shakey) Waddleton | Downloads: 1199
This month we are Overcooked completionists, talking development while going for a death drive, helping mario with a kingdom of Rabbids, and squintting at game text.
- Duelyst
- Hearthstone
- Nintedo Switch
- Mario vs Rabbids Kingdom Battle
- PixelJunk Monsters
- Overcooked
- SteamWorld Dig 2
- Command and Conquer
- Tooth and Tail
- Tony's game jam game: Michio Death Drive
- Ben's Tile game in progress: Tiles
Previous podcast: Episode 5. Baseball, Basketball and Blessed