Three Points Podcast
A podcast all about games, game culture and development with @BenByford, @SupaShakes and @TigerChops
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Music by: Jack Fletcher

Episode 6. Cards and Cooks
This month we are Overcooked completionists, talking development while going for a death drive, helping mario with a kingdom of Rabbids, and squintting at game text.

Episode 5. Baseball, Basketball and Blessed
This week Tony is sucked into the internet, we discuss the game of love, we stumble upon Brian Blessed, Pyre tells us a story, and turns out Sports games are terrible most of the time.

Episode 4. Link The Ecological Disaster
This week, Benjamin Waddleton is absent, and is replaced by ANOTHER Byford (Jon.) Fortunately Tony makes up for this hideous imbalance by waffling on even more. We also hit our stride as a bastion of indie gaming by talking about such obscure gems as Zelda, Dark Souls, Pokemon and Black and White.

Episode 3. Child's play
In which we bravely soldier on, having played nearly no games since the previous podcast. Ben introduces Albert, but Albert is not interested in well reasoned debate. Marty is still there, but contents himself with growling at his reflection...

Episode 2. Other people's ideas
This week we skiffle through games we've been playing, old adventure games chat, and how other people have ideas too...

Episode 1. Three Points
This week we ramble through games we've been playing, things we've been making and what not to put in a blender.